Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hey Mister, Throw Me Some Beads!

I love Mardi Gras.  In fact my three favorite holidays are Halloween, Easter and Mardi Gras.  I love the whole spirit of Mardi Gras but not the boobie flashing spirit.  The tradition and historical spirit.  I love the cheap plastic beads. I love the colors, purple, gold and green.  I love the FOOD!  This year I decided to make my own King Cake since I could not get my family to send me a real one from New Orleans. (just kidding family, but not really) My husband who was home sick today (poor husband) asked me how did I know how to make a King Cake.  My answer - "I am Cajun!" 'nough said.

King cakes are a great tradition. They are usually served between January 6th (Epiphany) and Ash Wednesday.  They are delicious confections iced in Mardi Gras colors.  Purple for justice, gold for power and green for faith.  Often there is a little plastic baby hidden in them (although historically it was a bean, nut, or coin). Whoever finds the baby is King for the day and bound by tradition to buy the next King Cake or host the next party.

This is a quickie cheater cake because I had neither the yeast nor the inclination to make a true King Cake.  For this one I had everything I needed in my pantry.  (except the baby)

Quick and Easy King Cake

2 tubes Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
1 egg
1/4 cup butter softened
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
1 cup powdered sugar
2 tbsp milk
1 package Great Value Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Cream Cheese spread (room temperature)
Purple, Yellow and Green decorating sugar

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.  While oven is heating open and unroll your crescent rolls leaving them connected as one sheet. Lay the two sheets side by side and then press all the seems together.  I like to pass a rolling pin over them thinning out the dough just a bit and firming up the seams.

Brush the entire surface with softened butter using a pastry brush. Mix cinnamon and granulated sugar together and sprinkle over the entire sheet covering the whole surface. (you may have some of the cinnamon sugar left over)  Spread the cream cheese mixture about 1/4 inch from the bottom edge of the dough and across the entire length.  The cream cheese stripe should be about 2 inches in width.

Starting with the edge closest to you roll the dough horizontally into a cylinder.  (FYI: I find it easiest to do the entire process on a sheet of parchment paper and then bake it directly on the paper after sliding a cookie sheet underneath) Join the two ends creating a circle and press the seams closed.

Brush the roll with beaten egg for a nice golden color and sheen.  Bake for 25 minutes.

While baking mix together 1 cup of powdered sugar and 2 tablespoons of milk for a simple icing.

Once the cake has cooled pour on the icing and sprinkle with colored sugar alternating purple gold and green.

I happened to find my cream cheese mixture already made in wal-mart but if you can't find one it is easy enough to do from scratch... Just combine 8 ounces of cream cheese with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1/4 cup of brown sugar.

Happy Mardi Gras y'all! 

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