Friday, February 8, 2013

What a Week

This has been the craziest fastest moving week I have experienced a quite some time.  Monday would have been my Daddy's birthday.  It has been 4 years since he passed and major holidays, birthdays and that anniversary are still hard for me.  But life marches on and so do I, admittedly in a little bit of a funk for a couple of days.

Tuesday errands in abundance. My favorite was picking up my Leo from the groomer. He is so cute with his puppy cut! That night was my Girl Scouts Leaders meeting.  I love being involved with the Girl Scouts. I love my girls.  I love the organization and what it stands for.  I LOVE my service unit leader. She is this amazing ball of energy.  I want to be her when I grow up.

Wednesday was a bit of a blur... more errands, house cleaning, and prepping for my Girl Scout meeting on Thursday.  My poor family, dinner has been leftovers every night.  They are wonderful and have not complained one bit. The benefit of that is no grocery shopping this week.

Thursday: getting the house ready for the Girl Scout invasion.  Thrilled that I have 2 new girls joining my troop!  Printed out all our facts about Russia for World Thinking Day for our trifold display.  Prepped all the supplies for the girls to make our Swaps.  I found the cutest little foam eggs at the Dollar Tree for Easter that we are calling Faberge Eggs!  Also, now I am watching the weather very closely.  I am making Beef Stroganoff for 200 people to taste.  If our event is cancelled on Saturday my family will be eating beef stroganoff for a week! I have a wonderful meeting with my Girl Scouts.  I think the 2 new girls are going to fit in well with my troop.

Friday (today) Snow Day!  They cancelled school in expectation of all the snow we will be getting.  I have all 5 girls here today.  Keely and Elise stayed in their pajamas all day! Joy was a riot and my other two girls were kept busy helping me finish with World Thinking day projects.  Beef Stroganoff goes into the crock pot (no quickie recipe for this event).  More errands run to be run.  There is not very much snow and at 2:00 the roads are actually clear and no snow is falling.  I use coupons to get free product to donate to the Wait House to be collected at World Thinking Day.

And in all of this craziness we are in our final push for Girl Scout cookie sales. My Beauty decided this year she wanted to collect 100 boxes to be donated to our local food pantry.  So proud of her and her sense of philanthropy.  God bless my friends and family who ordered cookies for themselves and to be donated.  She actually surpassed her goal for donations and overall sales!

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