Friday, March 8, 2013

My Secret Shame

I try to keep up with the clutter in my house.  It makes me shaky when it gets out of control.  I can tell you with 5 girls here everyday and weekends filled with activities it does not take much to get out of control.  I have pretty well ingrained in my all my girls the clean up routine.  Things are put away when they are done playing with them. Everything is put away before the playroom is left.  Snack wrappers are thrown out when empty.  Cups put in the sink when drinks are finished.  Even the baby knows to pick up and throw away.  That is not the problem....

The problem is the day to day clutter that gathers on the counter and kitchen table. Magazines, papers, mail, projects you get the picture.  That all has to go some place before we can eat.  That place has somehow turned out to be my project space.

It is out of sight from visitors.  The kids know not to bother anything in that area and if am careful I can easily avoid it.... It is my hoarders corner, my secret shame.

My little space has gotten to the point where I stand on the one square foot of empty tile, look around, sigh and walk away.  I feel totally overwhelmed by my self created national disaster area.  I don't know where to begin.  Once I do begin, where the heck am I going to put everything.  It is a collection of girl scout materials, beading and paper crafting supplies, shoes AND storage containers.  Empty storage containers so I do have an inkling of an idea as to how I want things to turn out.  

Sunday I bought a set of banker boxes to make a transient item storage center that looks like this.  My boxes will be donate, sell, active projects and return.  I will set these up by the back door so everything is right there as I go out to run an errand and near my project space for when I need to pick up on my active project. 

I have been gathering totes for the storage of my holiday decorations.  Each one is themed for its own holiday.  Winter, Valentines day, St. Patrick's day, Easter you get the picture.  As each holiday passes my decorations have been going right into their respective totes and then down to a designated section of shelves in the basement. 

I am 100% committed to winning the Clutter Battle of 2013.  It is not that I don't have a problem purging (although you would be hard pressed to tell from my secret shame).  In fact I took a huge step last spring and actually got rid of some of Keely's artwork that I have been saving since preschool.  Wipe those looks of horror off your faces.  I kept anything that had a hand/foot print or incorporated a picture of her into it.  It was out of control.  Purging is cathartic.  

I have been looking for ways to keep the clutter at bay once control has been regained.  I am finding out that I have all the tricks in my knowledge base.  Sort your mail by the garbage, recycle magazine as soon as you are done with them. Scan pages you want to save.  Pick up and put away the small things every night.  It is just a matter of putting those tricks into practice and being consistent.  Consistency is my big issue.  

Here is what my dream basement would look like.  If I have my way, it will look like this by the end of May. 

My wonderful husband does read this blog, because I don't want to scare him with all the work that will be coming his way, I will wait to show you my garage ideas. 

OK, now accountability, I am going to get the secret shame under control this week by Friday I will have update pictures for you all to celebrate with me! 

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