Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tiny Visitors

I found little visitors in my basement today.

I went down to start a load of laundry and get our dinner out of the freezer (stuffed flounder). There sitting on the little rug in front of chest freezer curled together were two baby mice.  After my initial heart attack of surprise and realizing that they were two little living mice and not one large dead mouse.  (It could happen that one might drop a heavy laundry basket on the floor and have it land on a mouse.)

They did not try to run.  They just lay there curled around each other.  I scooped them up with two little storage bins (speaking of storage bins, the Secret Shame Project is still working it is just more slow going because I got a delivery of over 1000 boxes of girl scout cookies the next day, which has taken residence in my back room.)  Matt just happened to come back to the house for something and I showed them to him.  He wanted to throw them away.  I could not bring myself to do it.  They are alive.

I checked all over the house and basement for any signs of mice and can't find any.  No droppings no nests, nothing chewed through in my pantry or basement. It seems so random to me that they were just sitting there in the middle of the floor.

I brought them upstairs and gave them residence in a medium size food container lined with a little burp cloth. All day they girls have been checking on them (did I mention we had a snow day).  Keely calls them "the babies".  I know we can't keep them but it was a nice break from the ordinary.

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