Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Funny Gemini

Today we had my Beauty's birthday party. It thrills me to take a little peek into her social life.  I love to watch her with her friends.  In my eyes she is a true Gemini there is a duality to her that is so intriguing.

She is an incredibly social child. She has many friends and lots of acquaintances.  Much to the dismay of her father, she seems to be a magnet for little boys. It has been that way since nursery school. I wonder sometimes if it is because she does not talk, and there for does not talk back and is not bossy. Today at her party she had boys on either side of her at the theater four seats in each direction.  She was in her glory.

She is also a little person who needs her space. She has no problem entertaining herself and will sometimes even remove herself from a social situation for some alone time. I have no problem with that, in fact I have been known to do it myself. I love people and entertaining but there comes a time for me when that becomes overwhelming and I need to excuse myself for a moment.

I often joke about my delicate flower and her favorite movies and cartoon characters. They are not princesses... she had an extreme love for all things Avengers and Transformers.  On the other side of the coin, she does love horses and ponies. My Little Ponies and Horseland are a nice alternative to the Transformers Prime show that dominates our television.
Pink sparkly Christmas tree surrounded by Avengers

She has an affinity for technology and video games. Loud crashing racing games.  She also loves books. 

She loves to dress up. A twirly dress fills her with joy and pride.  On the other hand she has quite the collection of superhero t-shirts and has no problem getting dirty. (shudder) When asked what she wanted to be for halloween she chose... 

yes, Captain America. I asked her if she wanted me to make a tutu for her costume. She indignantly and quite clearly told me "Captain America does NOT wear a tutu".  (imagine that sentence spoke with a mouth full of marbles)
Just a couple years ago she was happy to be Pinkalicious. After that Penny from Bolt. In between I got to dress her as Hit Girl from Kick Ass.

As we come up on her tenth year I can't wait to see what my little Gemini has is store for me.  She is impulsive but set in routine.  She is dramatic and yet comedic. She is unique and yet just like every other third grader I know.

It is amazing to me that this bright, vivacious, social butterfly, as the doctors have repeatedly told me, never should have opened her eyes. She is a miracle on earth.

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