Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014: The Year of the Blog?

2014 is upon us, it is time for resolutions, and new beginnings. I was a bit ambitious last year in my creation of this blog. I threw myself in with no thought or plan just the knowledge that I loved Pinterest and that I wanted an excuse to be there. 

This year I am going to try to be a bit more methodical about this blog. I have hatched a plan. I still will have recipes both original, tweaked and outright stolen from Pinterest (with credit given to the original pinner, of course. I am not a total creep). But I also want to incorporate my love of crafting, being a mom to a special needs child, being an aunt to my amazing nieces and nephew and my love of being a Girl Scout leader. 

I am trying to develop my tiny ilk of fashion sensibility and will be sharing what it is like to be round and slightly fashionable. As well as loving who you are and being comfortable in your own skin.  I am on a journey to be a more health minded person. I have come to the realization this year that I can not exist on popcorn, cheese sticks and Coke. I am on a mission to use less convenience foods in my meal planning and make more scratch made meals. 

Finally, I am reaffirming my commitment to save, save, save. Frugality is my new middle name. 

I can't wait to start sharing my thoughts, experiences and experiments (good and bad) with all of you. 

Bonne Annee! Kimberly 

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