Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Let it begin!!!!

What a difference a year makes!

This time last year I was still reeling after being laid off from my job of 5 years, and getting ready to make the transition from working mother to stay-at-home mom.  Here we are one year later and I have completely embraced staying home, helping with homework, becoming a Girl Scout Troop leader and becoming Pinterest addicted or as I like to say a PinADDICT.

I think, I may even love Pinterest more than I love being at home.

Pinterest has become my own personal World Book Encyclopedia (remember those?).  I consult it for almost everything. I have don't just have boards of recipes I want to make but I have categorized them.

I now take care of my two beautiful nieces everyday. It has given me an excuse to have boards of activities, projects, and tips on toddlers and preschoolers for them.  I have a board for my own 9 year old daughter, a board for my house, a board for the fashion sense I hope to adopt and yes, even a wellness board. You get the point.

I don't just pin things actually put them into practice. I thought it might be fun to share these pin projects with the blogosphere.

I have even found a way to work my addiction into my New Year's Resolution, this year I plan to use Pinterest to get healthy, get wealthy and get wise.  Please feel free to come back and check my progress.


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