Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Resolution Number 1

Wealthy? How about comfortable?

So far today I have put a pot of chili on the stove - mostly beans, 1 pound of lean ground beef (so healthy resolution semi covered), gotten rid of miscellaneous holiday junk food left overs (another check in the healthy column) and worked on coupons and finances. 

Finance wise, I found and pinned this idea and love it.  All about the Lincolns baby!(this was originally posted on this blog but the link now seems to get broken. She has lots of good information so feel free to poke around.) The basic premise is anytime you find yourself with a $5 bill you squirrel it away, I am going to do this for all of 2013. That being said, I happened to get $25 for Scarborough Research in the mail for completing their most recent survey sent to me (chi-ching) so I had a $5 bill handy to start the process. I now have my little envelope with my first $5. (Which I will of course find a way to make fancy.) I am really curious as to how many I can acquire through the year, particularly now since I am moving away from using my check card and focusing more on using cash for day to day expenses (another check in the finance column).

OK, lets now talk about how much I love to coupon. I don't feel like I am one of those crazy extreme couponers but when I get a good deal... WHAT A RUSH! I do have to admit I have a mini stock pile going in my basement.

I have a coupon binder (pictures to come). Today I cleaned out all my expired coupons and reviewed what I had left. Then I printed off this list "173 Manufacturers to Contact for High Dollar Coupons", prepared an email draft to copy and send out to as many as I can. Tomorrow I will start sending e-mail requests. I will keep you posted on how that goes as well. 

Well, I need to go stir my chili.  I can't think of a more perfect meal when the temperature refuses to break out of the teens.


  1. Hello there, perfect stranger. Can you please post your chili recipe?? Is it for the crockpot? Thanks in advance :)
