Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Losing Myself in "Reality"

I found myself wishing in recent days for the time when I would get indignant over behaviors in people like trying to go through the drive thru at the bank without your transaction in order.  I worked in a bank for a while and it never ceased to amaze me the people who would pull up and not only ask for a deposit ticket but a pen as well! (I know, the nerve right?!) As the drive thru teller I would give them everything they asked for and if it was a Friday make them pull around the bank to the back of the line.

Another job I had was as a checker in a grocery store.  Again, I would marvel at how people would come through the express lane (10 items or less back then) with way more than the allotted number of items (30 cans of cat food does not count as 1 item) AND then want to write a check.  What part of express did you not catch?

Then Columbine was huge, Timothy McVeigh did the unthinkable, Susan Smith was a monster mother who drowned her own babies. My heart stopped during the Atlanta Olympics because I could not get ahold of my sister for a day and a half.  Slowly these events started happening more and more.  More school shootings, more bombings, more kidnappings, more acts of terror, more insanity, more and more and more.

There is a laundry list of things I have to worry about for my own child.  Will she be snatched out of my front yard?  Camps and counselors are thoroughly investigated before they get ahold of my precious beauty.  How are the children who have grown up with her going to accept her when they get into middle school?  How much do I tell her and how much do I keep from her?  We did not talk about Sandy Hook.  I did not have on regular TV after the Boston Marathon bombings.  Am I doing her a disservice or truly preserving the innocence of childhood in her?

With all this weighing heavy on my mind.  Between errands and chores today I thought I would get lost in a little reality television.  I decided on Wife Swap (I did not know this was even still on!) I pulled up the first episode On Demand and settled in.  It was a nice relaxing escape from the real world.  I am a reality TV JUNKIE.  I love it.  Scripted or not, I love peeking into other people's lives.  It is my true escape from the world at large.  I can forget everything that is going on and just focus on the train wreck that is reality television.

Now excuse me, I need to get back to Toy Hunter.

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