Friday, February 1, 2013

Lemons, Cucumbers, and Mint! Oh My!

Well, here we are in the first day of February. I woke up, drank my cold 16 oz of water and then my Glowing Skin Tea. I really liked the Glowing Skin Tea.  Honestly, it is hot honey and lemon so what is not to like?

Throughout the rest of the day I sipped on my 32 oz of Sassy Water.  True confession time.... I am not crazy about the Sassy Water.  I am not sure what is putting me off about it.  Maybe if I drink it over ice so it stays super cold?  Maybe play with the ratio of lemons and cucumbers?  More mint?  Anyhow, I am not going to give up.  I am going to give it at least a week.  If I still can't stand it I am going to try this Apple Cinnamon Spa water I found on Lose Weight by Eating.  I may try it regardless because what have I got to lose?

Apples themselves are full of antioxidants.  They are also anti-inflammatories.  Apples promote weight loss, are a good source of fiber, and boost your immune system.  However, apples are also among the "Dirty Dozen", a list of fruits and vegetables that have a high pesticide residue.  It is important to wash them thoroughly or if you prefer buy organic.

Cinnamon helps to regulate blood sugar (I learned that watching Celebrity Apprentice), reduces inflammation and even can lower cholesterol. Cinnamon is also high in antioxidants.

Apple Cinnamon Spa Water

1 apple cored and sliced
1 stick of cinnamon (must be a stick, ground will not work) 
1 gallon of water
Ice (optional) 

Combine apple, cinnamon, and water in a one gallon pitcher.  Let sit at least 30 minutes to allow flavors to infuse.  
Pitcher can be refilled 3-4 times before replacing apples and cinnamon.

I really have made a conscious effort to look for healthy alternatives in my daily food intake since the start of the year.  I did not make that age old "I will lose weight" resolution.  Most of the population could stand to lose weight.  I am not thrilled at what I weigh.  I can tell you,  it is 100 pounds less than what I weighed 10 years ago.  I am not perfect.  I LOVE cheese.  I have said it before I would rather have a cheese stick than a piece of cake.   I carry them with me for myself and the kids in my life as a snack on the go (have cheese, will travel).  You could put money down on the fact that I will eat at least one a day.

Not all of my recipes are going to be Biggest Loser approved. In fact a lot of them would probably have Jillian and Bob run away screaming, but I believe in everything in moderation. It is a lesson that took me a LONG time to learn.  I am still not the kind of person who can sit down with a bag of chips and stop after the recommended serving has been eaten.  I have to portion things out and then put the package away.  On top of my refrigerator in a bin away. Climb up on a stool to have to get more away.  You get the picture.  I know too that I am a grazer.  This means I will pick at something every time I walk by it if it is left out.  Cookies cooling on the stovetop.  Chips in a bowl.  Leftovers waiting to be put away.  They all call out to me, so they all must be put away immediately or I need to stay out of earshot.

Moderation.  I am trying to teach this to my daughter.  She is pretty good at self regulating her food intake. She is not a big snacker.  She knows when she is hungry and when she is not. I have seen her decline dessert on more than one occasion so, I must be doing something right.

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