Monday, January 28, 2013

Fighting Off A Cold

How ironic that I posted about getting healthy yesterday and this morning I work up with that sick feeling in the back of my throat.  I am doing everything in my power to fight off this cold.  I don't want to be sick.  I don't like to be sick.  Since there is no climbing into bed and wallowing in my sickness I am a miserable sick person.

The first thing I did after I finished my morning 16oz of water was take a Zicam.  I then proceeded to drink my way through the morning alternating between hot tea with lemon and honey and cold water.  Mother Nature decided to add insult to injury and sent us snow.  It started around 10:30 this morning and still has not stopped.

After getting my niece Elise on the bus. I made myself some chicken soup.  Dinner was put in the crock pot at the same time.  Super easy. Four frozen chicken breasts and one bottle of honey barbecue sauce cooked on medium for 6 hours.

My day was spent doing my tiny tasks.  Writing out bills. Addressing 50 post cards for my Girl Scouts' postcard exchange.  Finishing my Valentine's garland. And of course there is the never ending ebb and flow of the laundry.

Keely came home from school and homework was done. She wrote the best paragraph based on a picture of a ground hog in sunglasses driving a car.  According to her, he was driving because he was cool.  He was going to Texas to bring back the hot weather because he was tired of winter!  I love this kid!!!!  She 100% came up with everything on her own.  I have no idea where the idea of Texas came from.

Once homework was finished she played with her iPad.  I did more laundry.  Then whipped up a hashbrown casserole to go with the chicken.  It was a mish mash of refrigerated hashbrown potatoes, numerous ends of bags of shredded cheeses, a jar of Ragu double cheese sauce and various spices.  It really came out great... too bad I will probably not be able to duplicate it.

I am exhausted. So if y'all will forgive me for not posting any pictures or recipes, I am going to carry myself up to bed. I hopefully will be asleep before 9:00pm.

Please feel free to share with me your home cold remedies.

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