Sunday, January 13, 2013

Lazy Sunday

After a long cold day outside watching Keely ski yesterday at the Double H Ranch, angels in the snow,  I was looking forward to a nice lazy Sunday.

The lazy day I got was not quite the one I bargained for.  Sure I spent the day snuggled up on the sofa watching movies and Netflix, however, the circumstances were less than ideal. My poor Beauty has a tummy bug.

She and I spent the day watching movie after movie. Return of the Jedi and Labyrinth followed by lots and lots of Horseland.

Thank goodness she seems to be much better. I guess Horseland and Popsicles go a long way towards recovery.

I did get to some cooking this weekend.

Friday I made a pan of Baked Farfalle Florentine, Saturday morning was a pot of Creamed Chicken Gnocci soup and I did get all of Matt's freezer sandwiches done.

I promise to get you the pasta and soup recipes soon but really I can't put them up because they consist of instructions like add milk, mix grated romano cheese, throw in some chicken.  I need to focus on measurements the next time I make them so I can share them with you.

One of the ways we save money is that Matt brings his breakfast and lunch every day.  For breakfast he has a breakfast burrito that I make in bulk sessions and freeze.  In the morning he grabs one and heats it up while he makes his lunch and coffee.

Lunch is a freezer sandwich.

These are so simple and easy to make and for around $1 and less than 200 calories he has a sandwich he can just grab and go.

Freezer Sandwich

Arnold Bakery sandwich thins
Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh turkey
Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh ham
Sargento Ultra Thin colby jack cheese slices

Each sandwich consists of one sandwich thin, 3 slices turkey, 3 slices ham and 1 slice of cheese.

Wrap in foil and freeze.

It is that simple. Matt throws his in his lunch bag with a greek yogurt, baby carrots, banana, Emerald Breakfast on the Go pack and an apple or pear.  It keeps his yogurt cold and by lunch time it is thawed and ready to eat. He keeps a little bottle of mustard at his desk and puts that on the sandwich. Done. Better for you than fast food and much less expensive.
For a while I was making my own breakfast on the go packs for him but he prefers the pre-made ones so I get him those only when they are on sale and only when I have a coupon. :)

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