Friday, January 18, 2013

Snips and Snails

I had a little company today.  A boy!  He is sweet and soft spoken, calls me Miss Kim and a tiny tornado in disguise.  Bouncing here, whirling there and finding things in my house I did not even realize little hands would find.  

I will be the first to admit that I am all girl.  I have only one sister. I had a daughter. My sister has two girls.  I really have no idea what it is like to be around boys.  As a jewelry designer I have very little jewelry for boys and men because I just can't wrap my mind around what they would want to wear. I am guessing for the average male, purple and sparkly is not what they are looking for.  My own daughter is a bit of an enigma to me. She loves pink, dresses, anything that sparkles and horses but at the same time she was Captain America for halloween, loves the Avengers and professional wrestling.

Spending the entire day with this little wonder was something completely new to me. A long long time ago in one of my other lives I was a nanny for a two separate little boys. One was a baby and the other clearly not typical in his behavior as I am now finding out.  What a day we had!  Playing cars, "mowing the lawn", letting the dogs in and out, in and out, in and out... you get the picture, my buddy was very concerned about making sure the dogs went out every chance they got. We played racing games on the iPad and danced to the music programmed in the keyboard.  

I was asked for something to eat 20 times before 10:30am, a snack of goldfish and a banana was presented, eaten and then I was promptly asked for lunch. I loved every minute of my day with my little boyfriend.  I can bet if he were here with me everyday I would drop 20 pounds in a month. Perpetual motion even while watching TV (jumping up and down in excitement) and eating lunch (legs swinging from the chair).  

Keely came home from school and he had someone new to dance and jump around with.  The giggling and laughing coming from the back room was like music. After he went home, Keely once again started campaigning for a little brother. I once again had to tell her that probably was not going to happen but anytime she wanted we could borrow our little friend. 

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