Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Under the Weather

I woke up this morning and thought I was a bit under the weather. Nauseous, sick tummy, a bit shaky... I figured I would feel better as I got moving and after a shower.  I was wrong, still I let my sister bring my niece Joy here because she herself was sick along with Elise my other niece.  

After a bit it was clear to me I was not getting better but getting worse.  I figured I would nap with Joy. 
Let me show you how that went...

No naps, Sissy!!!! 

So you see it was a rousing success. I thought maybe if I closed my eyes and modeled good sleeping she would follow suit. I took off my glasses, put some quiet music on my iPhone and closed my eyes.

This is what happens when a 12 month old gets ahold of your iPhone and figures out how to turn on the camera.
Joy says "I am a regular Steve Jobs!"
Tech savvy one year olds, who'd of thought?  The middle picture on the right is what it looks like just before your phone falls between the bed and the wall.

Finally I admitted defeat and called down to my sister's house.  My brother-in-law came to get her around 11:30 and I spent the rest of the day sleeping on the sofa until Keely got home from school at 2:30.

Silver lining: the good thing about being sick is that my husband refuses to let me touch anything he is planning to eat so I got out of cooking dinner.

The bad thing is that I hate being sick.

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